Our Piano Sales and Shop is open by appointment
2707 Tucker Road Suite 104
Jeffersontown, KY 40299
Since you have found this site, you most likely have an acoustic piano, and it does need periodic maintenance and tuning. The older the piano, the more potential maintenance that may be required. On a basic service call I will find out your concerns about the piano, discuss standard vs other types of tuning (temperament), and I will inspect the piano, perform cleaning and minor repairs and adjustments during the visit.
Before beginning MJF Piano Service and scheduling client services, I made the committment to obtain extensive training and experience to obtain the top qualifications for a tuner. I successfully completed the course work for certification with Piano Technician Institute earlier this year. However, many services would require additional specialized skills. Through my association with the Piano Technician's Guild chapter in Louisville, I have come to know a number of advanced technicians I will refer for such things as complete hammer replacement, replacing multiple or all strings (when necessary), and restoration of the case or a complete piano restoration. Based on my inspection of your piano and an itemized list of recommendations, an estimate for the cost of additional service can be provided for your consideration prior to starting any necessary repairs.
To help fulfill our goal of increased acoustic piano playing and enjoyment in Louisville, KY area, the following discounts are available: student, educator, and frequent client service discount.
If the piano is used by a student working with a teacher in regular classes of instruction, this discount can apply. 30% of the regular cost of piano tuning is deducted from fee charged. The same discount is offered for qualified piano teachers for their personal and studio pianos, limit of 2.
Our fees are established based on the time, necessary training, and travel involved in home piano tuning. We will give further details about our fees at the time of your telephone call, and additional questions are welcome at that time.
Thank you for visiting our website, and return often for additional posts with information on resources for pianists, space rental for recital performances, and piano rental. We look forward to doing business with you!
Matthew Fargen